新的審查條例是開倒車,要退回到50年前的水平。 The new censorship law will put the clock back (by) 50 years.
你或許有權(quán)要求退回去年你交付的部分稅金。 You may be entitled to reclaim some of the tax you paid last year.
很多人,盛怒之下又退回到孩提時代,邊大喊大叫邊跺腳地發(fā)脾氣。 Many men, when very angry, regress to their childhood and show their bad temper by shouting and stamping their feet.
我的一篇論文被退回來了。 One of my papers is reject.
如果不能退回最后一個操作,“撤消”命令會變化到菜單上的“不能撤消”命令。 The undo command change to can not undo on the menu if you cannot reverse your last action.