赫德并未討論限期,可是他告訴英國廣播公司說,國際聯(lián)盟“行將達到的階段是:大家都對現(xiàn)局加以估計,看我們所建立的以和平方式施壓是否有效。” Mr.Hurd did not discuss deadlines, but he told the BBC that the international coalition was "approaching the stage when we all take stock and see if the peaceful pressures which we have been constructing are going to be good enough."
工會與資方的最后談判行將終結,雙方努力爭取在限期前達成協(xié)議。否則,發(fā)行187年的《紐約郵報》將被迫永遠???。 Last-ditch talks headed down to the wire as union and management raced a deadline which could force the New York Post to close down today for good after187 year.
提案規(guī)定了一年的限期。 The proposal set a time limit of one year.
限期快到了,不能再拖延。 The deadline is drawing near; we can't delay any more.